What to expect when visiting Khanyisa Community Church

We conduct our services in three different languages. This is because we are located in an area where isiXhosa, Afrikaans and English are the dominant languages that are spoken. Because of this we try to make our meetings as friendly and accessible as possible. If you need help with anything at all during your visit you can ask one of our welcome team; they should be easy to spot.

We have one meeting on Sunday mornings at 10.00 am.

The meeting is held at the Khanyisa Community Church Centre on 22 Dorothy Zihlangu Avenue, Tambo. Click the link below to see where we are and plan your route.


the meeting

Feel free to arrive early to meet people from the church before the meeting starts at 10.00am. You are also welcome to join us for a time of prayer at 09:30. Our Welcome Team will be at the door to receive you. They would love to know if it’s your first time at Khanyisa Community Church.

Tea and coffee is served after the meeting at around 12.00pm.

What Happens in the meeting?


Our meetings start with a time of worship.
Our songs are in three languages: isiXhosa, Afrikaans and English. Feel free to join us in worship.


We have a full children’s program which happens during the service. The program has a number of activities for children. As you arrive, please head straight to the kids registration desk.

This is where you will register your little ones. Our wish is for all of your family to enjoy being at Khanyisa Community Church.


During the meeting, you will be given the opportunity to give to the general church offering. Please do not feel uncomfortable or an obligation to give. This is for people who call Khanyisa Community Church their home church.

The Word

On a Sunday morning, one of the leaders of the church or a visiting speaker will preach from the Bible. At Khanyisa Community Church we tend to work through a series of messages that follow a book in the Bible or a particular theme applying the Bible to our lives today.

This will often mean that there is an opportunity to be prayed with at the end of the meeting, if you would like.